20 May 2015

Introduction Node.js

What is Node.js?

Ryan Dahl, and other developers, at Joyent created Node.js.  Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for server-side and networking applications. It brings event-driven programming to web servers enabling development of fast web servers in Javascript.

In an event-driven application, there is a main loop that listens for events, and then triggers a callback function when one of those events is detected. Node.js also provides a non-blocking I/O API that optimizes an application's throughput and scalability.   In a non-blocking language, commands execute in parallel, and use callbacks to signal completion.  In a blocking language, commands execute only after the previous command has completed.Node.js uses the Google V8 JavaScript engine to execute code, and a large percentage of the basic modules are written in JavaScript.

Node.js contains a built-in library to allow applications to act as a Web server without software such as Apache HTTP Server or IIS.NPM is the pre-installed package manager for the Node.js server platform. It is used to install Node.js programs from the npm registry.  The package manager allows publishing and sharing of open-source Node.js libraries by the community, and simplifies installation, updating and un-installation of libraries.

22 January 2014

jQuery prop() Method

Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang salah satu method JQuery yaitu prop().
Gunanya untuk set atau get nilai dari property elemen yang dipilih.


set property

06 May 2013

Pengenalan Jquery

jQuery is a JavaScript Library.
jQuery greatly simplifies JavaScript programming.

Sebelum anda belajar jquery, anda harus mempunyai basic HTML, CSS, dan Javascript. Bisa anda pelajari di http://www.w3schools.com/.

25 June 2012

Instalasi awal Codeigniter

Versi terbaru codeigniter adalah versi 2.1.1
Download Codeigniter di website codeigniter codeigniter.com/downloads/

Setelah selesai download, ekstrak di folder htdocs anda. Anda akan mendapatkan struktur direktori seperti berikut ini. Strukturnya sebagai berikut :

Pengenalan Codeigniter

CodeIgniter adalah sebuah framework PHP yang dapat mempercepat developer untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi web. Ada banyak library dan helper yang berguna didalamnya dan tentunya mempermudah proses development.

Apa Keunggulan Codeigniter?
